WordPress is the most common used CMS by Developer and site owners. Because, platform open for all developers who develop millions plugins and themes why which you can give any look of site and add number of features your wrodpress website.
Installing wordpress and making site with this is very easy. You just need to follow few given steps and you will get your website done very fast.
1. Go to www.wordpress.org and download latest version of wordpress.
2. You should have hosting cpanel and your domain should be pointed on this host.
3. Open File manager from cpanel and upload wordpress.zip in public_html folder.
4. After uploading select it and extract files from wordpress.zip in to root public_html
5. Create database from cpanel (Mysql Databases) and save some where details of database username, password, database name
6. Now Open your domain and browser (Firefox, Google Chrome any one) and you will see wordpress installation wizard.
7. Follow the given instructions on pages and put database login details.
8. Next step enter website title and admin details and password to login your wordpress admin.
Your wordpress has been installed and not you can access website admin by http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin
Start designing your website and install new themes and plug-in to add-on features. There are millions free and paid theme and plugins available on net which you can use to give wings to your website to grow on internet.
Wordpress is a simplest, fast and secure CMS to design latest websites . If you want to use premium themes and plugins you can browse millions best themes here